Reiki 1 Certification 

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki clears blocks and imbalances in your chakras and energetic body, helping you:

Reduce stress and anxiety

Boost immunity and well-being

Ease tension and deepen relaxation

Strengthen intuition and psychic abilities

Reiki can be used to direct energy towards any aspect of your life that needs improving. That could include health, relationships, communication, or spiritual connection.

Level 1 Reiki Certification and Attunement

We will place special emphasis on distance healing sessions, as well as intuitive development during this time.

You will be encouraged to begin practicing with clients after this class.

Topics include:

What is Reiki?

History of Reiki

Meditations for grounding and increasing energy

Scanning Energy Fields

Reiki Self-treatment

Hand Positions

Reiki Gokai: The 5 Precepts

Level 1 Attunement

Reiki symbols

Energy clearing & Smudging

Hand Positions

Using crystals & stones with Reiki

Distance Healing Sessions


Meditation practice

Spiritual Healing

In addition, you will receive:

Reiki I 

Self Healing Practice

Initiation into Usui Reiki Lineage

Reiki I1 Certificate of Attunement

The class will include guided meditations, have time for Q&A, as well as ample practice time with other students.

To schedule a training email