A pre-formatted fitness and nutrition program for fitness professionals to attract new clients, make more money and launch an online program. 

 As a Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor YOU can expand your business and increase your income without working more hours by adding an online bootcamp program. 

As a busy fitness professional working long hours 

you don't have a ton of extra time.  

You want to make more money but don’t want 

to work more hours in the gym. 

Could their be a better way to make money and 

reach more people without working more hours? 


Starting an online bootcamp program can be just the product you need to expand and grow your business without adding more hours into your day! 


The number one reason why clients want to work with a stay with a fitness profession is because they see results. 

Using a proven system of nutrition and motivational success techniques will guarantee results for your clients and keep them coming back for more. 


An online bootcamp that offers a nutrition program designed by a Clinical Nutritionist and workouts designed by a personal trainer have been proven to get results.  

A few years ago I completely transformed my fitness business by adding online programs. 

I was able to make over 20 times my hourly rate in just one program!! 

By adding online programs to my business I was able to make more money by working with more clients in less amount of time.  

I was also able to gain more clients and reach more people to help change their life through fitness and healthy lifestyle changes. 


As a fitness professional looking to make more money without working more hours in person online programming is the best solution. 


But, putting together an online program takes time.  

You have to design a meal plan, come up with healthy recipes, 

and get them looked over by a nutritionist.

Generate shopping lists, write up daily motivational emails and posts for your clients, make up a food diary and much more. 

All of this stuff takes a lot of time, time that a busy fitness professional don’t have enough of. 


This program has done it all for you! You don’t have to do one extra piece of work and you get to make all the money! 

You can use this program over and over 

again throughout the year with 

as many clients as you want! 

And everything in this program is completely 

re-brandable allowing you to put your logo 

on all materials making it your own. 

This program is for the trainer or group fitness instructor that wants to:

  • Make more money but not work more hours.
  • Reach and help more people.
  • Earn money while you are not “working."
  • Work with people all over the world.
  • Find an additional source of revenue. 




Meal Plan- Nutritionist approved, easy to follow meal plans with daily meal and snack options.  

Print and Go Grocery Lists- Weekly lists of foods to make it simple for your clients to shop for food.  

Printable Workouts- Pre-programmed, printable workouts for your clients to take the gym or workout at home.  

Daily Motivational Emails/Posts- 30 days of prewritten copy designed to motivate and inspire your clients and help them reach their goals.  

Goal Setting Worksheets & Accountability Checklist- Teach your client to set goals the proper way so that they are more successful and Actionable items to help your clients stay accountable to their goals.  

Food Diary- So your clients can keep track of the food they eat and share with their coach. 

Cookbooks and Recipes- Hundreds of recipes and cookbooks broken down into categories such as, grab and go breakfast ideas, clean eating treats, 20 minute meal recipes and so much more.  

Marketing and Sales Strategies & Pricing Guide-A plan to help you market and sell your program to clients and Tip sheet on how to set up a pricing structure for your program.  

This is your chance to make 10 times and up to what you paid for this program, over and over again!



What is an online bootcamp?

An online program that can be run through a closed Facebook group that coaches people through workouts and nutrition programming designed to help clients meet their fitness and wellness goals. 

Why should I teach online bootcamps?

Online bootcamps are a way to increase revenue and the amount of clients you can train in less amount of time. 

How can this help my business?

By adding an online component to your business you are able to work with clients from all over the world, clients that you wouldn’t be able to reach if you were to just train in person. This program can also help to increase your overall revenue with minimal amount of work because all of the work is already done for you. 

Why is online training beneficial for my clients?

We are only able to be with our clients a few hours a week, the rest of the time they are on their own to make positive decisions about their health and wellbeing. With online training you are able to give them access to tools they can use daily when they are not in your care. Online group training also fosters a community of like minded people working towards similar goals that can help support and encourage each other lead by a qualified coach/trainer.  

Hi! I'm Sabrina Sarabella and like many other personal trainers and health professionals I have always had a passion for health and fitness and helping others achieve their goals.  

As soon as I was able to at the age of  eighteen I became a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer. I taught group fitness classes and trained clients throughout college, and graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in Sports and Exercise Science and then to the University of Bridgeport for my Masters in Nutrition.

After college I took a position with a large chain gym on the east coast.  I managed fitness programs, trainers, group exercise programs and instructors.  I also created branded programs for the company and trained instructors on how to teach the programs. 

Over the years of working in fitness I have had the pleasure of working and managing thousands of personal trainers and group fitness instructors who all share the same passion for helping others to live healthier lives.