Make More Money as a PT or Group Fitness Instructor Without Burning Out

April 25, 2018

Are you a Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor that is tired of trading time for money?

Want to know how you can make more money in less time without having to work more hours? 

As a personal trainer and group fitness instructor for over 18 years I know what its like to do the fitness shuffle everyday.

Waking up early to get to your first client, running from gym to gym or client to client, getting in your own workouts and then finding time to eat, do things for yourself and then back to the gym for your night clients. 

Just saying it sounds exhausting and I know first hand, as you do how exhausting it can be. 

But I know you love your job as much as I love my job, we live to help people become healthier and teach them how to make it a part of your lifestyle. 

Have you been wondering (and hoping) if there is a way to make more money without working more hours in the gym while still doing the work you love? 

I am here to tell you YES!!


One of the best ways to do this is by doing online training in addition to teaching or training. 

What is so great about adding online coaching to your business? 

Make additional money without leaving your home.

Help more people. 

Have more freedom to work the hours you want. 

Adding an online component if you are a personal trainer, group fitness instructor or studio owner can add additional streams of revenue. 

When working in person as a PT or GX you will face certain restrictions on your ability to serve your clients. First of all, you are held to certain time restrictions, most gyms have you book on a 30 min or 60 min schedule since this is the best way to pack your schedule and make the most amount of money.  

However, all clients don”t have the same time requirements for their programming.  If they are a beginner they may only need a 30 or 45 min program or maybe their goals dictate that they need a 90-minute time slot. Also, most clients want to work out at the same times during the day, your prime spots. 

But you can’t train everyone at 6:30 pm, you are only one person! With online training, all of your clients can work out when they want to work out at the time that best fits their schedule. 

When you train your clients online there are no time restrictions, you can give your client the program that fits them without having to be concerned about them fitting into your busy schedule in person. 

Training or teaching classes in person you are only able to reach the people in that are geographically close to you. When your clients move away or become too busy to make it the gym to see you then you lose them as a client and miss out on all that income they brought to you.  

Incorporating online training to your in-person training you will be able to increase your revenue and your clientele because you are no longer restricted to working with people who are physically close to you. 

Online training allows you to work with more people in less time and also charge them less, a win-win for everyone. Because training is expensive and considered a luxury, although we as professionals know it is a necessity when clients are able to train online they are able to pay less but still get the benefits of working with you. 

As a gym owner, it can be hard to find and retain quality trainers. You also have dead times during the day that your facility isn’t making any money at all. 

With online training, you are able to pay your trainers during the dead times to set up programs for your online clients, while still taking a profit off the top, and make extra money for your facility. 

You are also able to offer your clients a way to work with you who would otherwise quit the gym because they are moving away from your location. 

You may think that you need a ton of technology to get started with online training but you really just need a few simple things to get started, an email account, PayPal account and a program as simple as Excel to write up programs. 

As you advance and gain more clients you may want to look into software programs that are built to help personal trainers manage clients and programming. 

The next step would be to decide on what your pricing and packages will be. For example, you can charge $100 a month for program design, $100 a month for nutrition guidelines/program, $150 for email support. Put it together in a package for a discount of $250 a month and sell it as a deal! 

You can start to get clients by reaching out to old clients that may have moved away, or clients that thing in-person training is too expensive. Post on your social media pages that you are not excepting one on one clients online. 

If one on one coaching is not your thing you can run your online program in a group format. For example, you would charge your clients a flat fee for the month or 4 weeks, this would include an exercise program and meal plan that would be the same for everyone.  

You can run a Facebook group that you can post daily motivation and inspiration to your clients and answer any questions for your group. 

Running an online group will allow you to service a larger group of people at the same time using the same programming with minimal tweaks, it also builds a sense of community. 

When I first started to get involved in online training I launched a group format training. It was in May so I named it 4 weeks to help people get ready for Summer. 

I gave a suggested 4-week meal plan, 6 different workouts that they rotated throughout the month, I posted daily in a private Facebook group motivational messages. I also used the FB group to post recipes and other fitness tips. 

My first launch I charged $99 a person and had about 20 people in the group and made around $2,000 that month in my online program. After the 4 weeks was over I was able to turn about 25% of the people over to 1 on 1 online clients for an additional price per month. 

I usually try to run a group program a few times a year but you can run them as many times as you want. 

If you are looking to add some additional revenue then online personal training could be a good choice.  

I am running my Online Business Bootcamp that will help you learn how to get your first online program and clients. This is a great starter program for anyone who has thought about building an online brand but doesn’t know where to start. 

You can get all the details about the program HERE


Preventing Entrepreneur Burnout

April 10, 2018


Burn out has been a buzz word lately, everyone seems to be burnt out from something. But burn out is real and can turn into severe health issues if not taken care of. 

I know because I suffered from burn out and adrenal exhaustion and fatigue. It affected my work life, my social life, and my health. 

As an entrepreneur, it is important to know the signs of burn out and how to prevent it so that it doesn’t affect us. 


What does...

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Do You Need to Take a Multivitamin?

April 10, 2018

We should be able to get all of our nutrients from the foods that we eat, and not need to take additional supplementation. 

However, it is unfortunate that most people don’t eat enough of an adequate nutrient dense diet. In addition, the food that we eat is usually farmed in a nutrient depleted soil so we are not getting the highest quality vitamins and minerals we need from just food alone. 

This is why it is important to take additional vitamins and minerals in the form of vitamins an...

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Are You in Need of A Spring Cleanse?

April 7, 2018

Whenever I scroll through social media I always see 
someone doing some crazy detox or cleanse that they heard is going magically get them in the best shape of their life! 

The point of a cleanse/detox diet is to take stress off of your liver, kidney and GI tract that are overworked when you are filling your body with unhealthy foods and drinks. 

Being in the season of Spring (well, where I live the calendar says spring even though the weather is still more winter like) this is a great time to d...

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Having a Morning Routine Can Make Your More Successful

April 2, 2018

If you have studied any successful business owner or CEO they will mostly tell you that they have a morning routine. 

You are naturally more productive in the morning since nothing has gotten in your way yet. 

You are focused on your own agenda and what your goals are for the day. 

If you have ever heard of the book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod he speaks about this extensively in his book.

Everyone’s morning routine/ritual may look a little different but all have the same goal...

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Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs

March 27, 2018

Every entrepreneur wants to be more productive and get more things done in less time. Being more productive means having a bigger reach, making an impact on a wider reach of people and making more money. 

Here are some hacks to increase productivity as an entrepreneur. 

Daily Planner- Using a daily planner to map out your day and week can help to increase productivity. When seeing your tasks write down in measurable goals and tasks is helpful...

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Learning How to Manifest Can Improve Your Business

March 21, 2018

***You can watch my full workshop on How to Manifest Anything You Desire in my Private Facebook group, Boss Babes Building Empires HERE***

What is Manifesting?

Is the process of bringing anything that you desire into reality by using the law of attraction.

Law of Attraction

When you focus your energy, attention, awareness, and emotion on something often enough, it becomes your reality. What you think about you bring about. This even pertains to things we don’t want.  Even on a subcons...

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Spring Clean Your Life

March 21, 2018

I love Spring! 

After a long, cold winter, spring always shows up to help you renew your energy and shed what you have been holding onto all winter that you no longer need. 

The season of spring is a time of transformation and new life, a time to take a step back and spring clean the things out of your life that no longer serve you. 


We all tend to keep more things in our home then we really need, that nicknack your Aunt Martha gave you for your communion. It is time to get ri...

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Top Foods and Supplements to Increase Your Mood

March 21, 2018

You’ve seen that commercial before when someone turns into an evil creature who is just not themselves when they are hungry and I’m sure you have heard the term

“Hangry” that bad tempered or irritability feeling you have when you are hungry. 

Did you know that your gut makes about 90% of the serotonin in your body?

What you eat can affect your mood.  

Not only can it make you angry and cranky but it can make feel sad, depressed and unmotivated as well as happy and energetic.

It all d...

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Building Your Brand

March 2, 2018

Knowing who and what your brand stands for is important in today’s world. With some many people in the online space, it is hard to stand out if you are just like everyone else. 

What your brand stands for and what it represents will help to attract the clients you want in your business. 

Who Are You? 

One of the first things you want to do when defining your brand is figuring out who you are. Why would someone want to work with you or buy a product or service from you? What are things...

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