Avoid the Holiday Bulge

Posted by Sabrina Sarabella on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The Holidays are upon us and that means plenty of time to be social, eat lots of cookies and have less time to workout and eat healthy.  Since we all live such a busy life between work, kids, family, etc. here are some helpful tips on how to navigate through the holidays without gaining the dreaded holiday pounds.  

Make better choices when dining out.  During the holidays there are more occasions to eat out then usual and all that dining out can add up to unwanted pounds.  When you are out to eat choose to focus on eating lean proteins, like chicken, turkey, fish and vegetables.  Try and avoid the bread basket on your table and choose either wine or dessert, not both.  Also, don’t go to a restaurant starving. Try to have a small snack before you go so that you are more likely to make better meal choices when it is your turn to order.  

Navigate the party scene.  Ahh, all of those holiday parties scheduled from Thanksgiving to New Years can throw anyone off their clean eating habits.  You don’t want to offend your guest by not eating what they prepared and you don’t want to miss out on all of that good food and drinks.  When attending parties play defense by bringing your own special recipe of a healthier dessert or appetizer that way you know you will have healthier options to eat.  Remember, you can eat a cookie or drink that peppermint martini anytime during the year, you don’t need to gorge yourself on these treats just because the  holidays are here.  

Don’t skimp on your workouts.  Yes, this time of year can be busier than most and you may have less time to do your workouts than usual, but that doesn’t mean you can ditch your workout routine completely.  All you need is a quick 20 minute high intensity workout 3-5 times a week.  Try to schedule your workout first thing in the morning so that you are not distracted by after work activities such as, happy hour or that holiday party.  

Control stress.  The holidays can be very stressful, all the gifts you have to buy, meeting the parents for the first time or spending more time with your family than you are used to doing.  Stress, although it doesn’t have calories or fat, can pack on unwanted pounds.  Take some time out of your busy schedule this holiday season to reduce stress levels.  Some simple examples include taking a walk, getting a massage, meditate, and most importantly taking time for yourself!

Remember, this holiday season you don’t have to fall victim to gaining the average holiday bulge by incorporating some of these tips.  I also just released my FREE Fit Girls Guide to Surviving the Holidays to help you navigate through the holiday season.  

Click on the link The Fit Girls Guide to Surviving the Holidays to get your FREE copy today.